As the New TV Co-Host for Shalom World!

It all started with an email, “Would you be interested in the possibility of being the new co-host for Shalom World TV?” I was taking care of our newborn when I received the message, and the first thought that came to mind was- me? really?
As I tried to formulate a response while rocking my baby to sleep, I began thinking of what my past self would say- you are not good enough, not eloquent enough, what if you mess up?, what if you fail?, what if you disappoint them?, why you?, why not someone else?, why not anyone else?...
I placed my worries, doubts, and insecurities at the feet of Christ and prayed, “God, you chose the weak, the unworthy, the unqualified to do Your will and take part in Your glorious plan. Help me to have faith that if this is truly Your will, You will give me all that I need to fulfill this call!”
This is the prayer I have learned to embrace whenever I become self-critical. I begin to contemplate the source of my insecurities when I realize that these deep seated judgments are at the core of every woman’s struggle. With billboards, magazines, commercials, movies, and other advertisements that continually objectify women, many of us have forgotten our worth, our inherent dignity, our identity as daughters of the King, our beauty that comes from being made in His image, and the gifts that we as women uniquely possess. We are enough, and there is nothing we cannot do through God’s grace! I am woman, hear me roar!
I understood that the only correct response to this request was “yes!” How could I not take part in transforming the way the media portrays women? How could I not advocate for issues women truly care about? How could I not allow God to use me as an instrument of hope for women who have ever struggled feeling inadequate, worthless, and not enough? How could I not respond with joy at the opportunity of sharing the love and mercy of God to all those who need it the most?
I said “yes!”, knowing the weight of its responsibility, because I knew that if it was truly God’s will, He would work through me. As we began preparing for the program, it was clear that I was exactly where I was meant to be. The topics were relevant and intriguing. The production team was open, passionate, and faith filled, and so, I stood back in awe as I witnessed God’s hand guiding us through it all!
Thus, I am honored to announce that “WOMAN: Strong Faith, True Beauty” is a talk show for all you holy ladies who radiate God’s love and beauty as sisters, daughters, mothers, aunts, friends, wives and leaders of our world today. With topics ranging from “How to Date with Purpose” to “Healing from Sexual Abuse,” it seeks to offer the support, wisdom, and hope that only Christ and the teachings of our beloved Church can provide. Will you join, support, and pray for us on this journey?
May you, my sisters in Christ, know that you are enough, you are loved, and you are most treasured by the One who matters most! Blessed Mother, pray for us!
To watch the complete season of our women's talk show, click here.
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