Lessons in Humility from the "Little Way"
One of my all time favorite Saints is Saint Thérèse of Lisieux! When I read her Story of a Soul, I feel as if I am her-- ambitious,...

Published My First Book!!
Desire greater intimacy with God? To better hear and respond to His loving and merciful voice? For centuries the art of spiritual...

Ways to Grow in Intimacy With God in the Midst of Mass Suspensions
With masses suspended throughout the world, it is tempting for many of our faithful brothers and sisters to become disheartened and feel...

Our Talk Show Launches its First Episode!
When was the last time you felt enough? This is the question that our guest speaker, Laura Roland poses to all the women who attend her...

How Do I Know if I am with "The One"?
What I found to be true in my own life is that the person God calls us to be with is often the one who brings out the best in us and...

As the New TV Co-Host for Shalom World!
It all started with an email, “Would you be interested in the possibility of being the new co-host for Shalom World TV?” I was taking...

Prayer for a Future Spouse
God, I seek to do Your will above all else. Help me to be open to Your calling in my life. Mold me, that I may become the best partner...

Multiply my Efforts like you Multiplied the Loaves!!
I have a tendency to worry about things that have not happened yet. You know how people have a plan A and a plan B? Well, I have a plan...

Are You Possessed by Your Own Possessions?
The Grinch: That's what it's all about, isn't it? That's what it's always been *about*. Gifts, gifts... gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts,...

Prayer of Letting Go
Lord, please help me to let go. Help me to trust you with my life- ALL of it: school, work, my family, my future, and in my...